Monday, 18 November 2013

WIP November 3

Hey guys 3th WIP post for November already(we're doing good!) and I have some more progress on Captain Sicarius for you, also there have been some little changes to the layout of the blog yesterday, I have rewritten the "about me" text and added a picture to my blog tittle(the same as I use for my profile). I hope you have seen these little changes and like them feedback about them is always welcome!

Alright up to the painting part, as you can see from the picture above I have painted some more details on Sicarius his  main body, I only have to do the golden eagle on his right shoulder... and I got some idea's for free-hands and symbols on his cloak. Talking about the cloak, as you might see I have made the inner cloak a bit brighter because it looked better in my opinion. (You can see how it looked like before here)

Just to go on about his cloak, I tried another way of painting red than I usually do on this model, I started with a dark brown base coat, blended red in to get some kind of "dark cherry red" and from that I blended my highlights to bright red. I am very happy with the result and mixing the dark brown with red also gave me new idea's about painting blood.

Last post you saw a WIP picture of  his display base, lats weekend I have added sand to the base and undercoated it. After that I dry brushed the base with P3 Greatcoat grey and old citadel codex gray to get a view on the shadows and brighter pieces, anyway it looks way better then the pre-build from last post, below are a picture and one for size compering to the model.(the wood has been covered with tape for undercoating and the painting process) 

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