Monday 18 March 2013

How do you store your paint?

For today something a bit differences, today i am going to talk about a problem that a lot of painters have. How do I store my paint? I saw this once on the internet: "We painters don't collect only miniatures we also collect paints" but collecting gives you always one big problem how to store all those things so they are out of your way but also very easy to find when they are needed.

Hit the read more button to see some solutions and my problem..

I use a drawer to store my paints this is what it looked like when i started with this post, one big mess.

So lets start with a drawer, you need a cabinet with drawer and a place where it fits. The cabinet takes more space but it also gives you the opportunity to store more things like your sprays or airbrush.
about the drawer:
+ very easy to hide and conjure
+ can be placed almost everywhere and on a good height for use(if you got the right cabinet)
+ you can store paints above each other if you got more the on drawer in your cabinet
- a limited space to store your paints, you cant make it bigger or smaller
- quite expensive if you compare it with the other options

The next option is to just put them somewhere, first of all this is the most easy way but you will find you will easily move them 10 times a day.
+ you don't need anything special for this only a little space to place them.
- you cant hide or move them fast/easy 
- if you mix them up it will take a lot of time to find that one paint you need
- quite hard to clean up the space where they are stored

A paint rack, i think this is the mostly seen way in the hobby. When you got a good(or maybe self made) paint rack you can also store your brushes and other materials there. This is also the way how shops sell there paints.
+ easy in use and not very expensive 
+ you can store your paint above each other and you can always read the names or see the colors with easy
+ you can easily make one your self for specific wishes

So I keep my drawer but when I got more paints(I am sure that will be in the near further) I will make a paint rack to. A good tip for all the options is, clean it up regularly so you can find your paints easy. mine are stored like this now.

 As a mentioned at the begging this is a bit differences then normal, i got some inspiration today when cleaning up my drawer and decide to make a post about it. Did you like it? I can make more of these post with my opinion and solutions if you got suggestions for a next topic tell me them!

Note some pictures in this post are found with a Google search and used without permission

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